

Unlock your career potential with's tailored AI-driven employability solutions! In the fiercely competitive job market, distinguishing yourself is vital to success, and inhub is here to help. With their advanced AI-powered tools, they offer a suite of services to enhance your digital presence and employability.

These services include LinkedIn Profile Quality Score & Optimization to ensure your profile captures the attention of recruiters, AI CV Builder to help your resume stand out, Psychometric Assessments for personal insight, Skill Gap Analysis Tool to identify essential career skills, and AI CV Triage Service for businesses to efficiently filter through candidates.

Discover your path to a standout personal brand, unparalleled online visibility, and a striking first impression that will land you the job of your dreams with's comprehensive career advancement solutions.

Top Features:
  1. Comprehensive AI-Driven Employability Solutions: Offering LinkedIn audits, AI CV building, psychometric assessments, and skill gap analysis.

  2. LinkedIn Profile Quality Score & Optimization: An AI-powered tool that provides a detailed score and actionable tips for enhancing online presence.

  3. AI CV Builder: Automated crafting of resumes aimed at highlighting key skills and achievements.

  4. Psychometric Assessments: In-depth analysis providing insights into personality and employability.

  5. Skill Gap Analysis Tool: A personalized roadmap for career skill development.


1) What services does offer? provides services to optimize your LinkedIn profile, build a more effective CV using AI technology, and a suite of assessments and analyses to improve your employability.

2) Does provide services for both individuals and businesses?

Yes, caters to both individual professionals (B2C) and businesses (B2B) with services tailored to each segment's needs, including a special AI CV Triage Service for businesses.

3) How does optimize LinkedIn profiles? uses AI-driven tools for their LinkedIn profile optimization service, which includes a detailed scoring system and tips to enhance your online presence.

4) What is the purpose of psychometric assessments at

Psychometric assessments at help you understand your strengths, personality, and areas for improvement, aiding in career decision-making.

5) What is the Skill Gap Analysis Tool?

The Skill Gap Analysis Tool at provides a customized development plan to identify and acquire the skills needed to advance your career.





LinkedIn Profile Optimization
AI CV Builder
Psychometric Assessments
Skill Gap Analysis
AI Triage Service

Tech used:



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