

Lateral is an AI-powered application designed to enhance the efficiency and organization of the research process for academics, students, and professionals across various fields. The platform offers a seamless way to search, save, and organize information found within papers, potentially accelerating the research workflow by up to 10 times.

Key features include an auto-generated table that provides a clear overview of findings, AI-powered concept recommendations for relevant text, a super search function for scanning multiple papers simultaneously, a smart PDF reader that aids in discovering hidden connections, and an export option to bring findings into Word or Excel along with references.

Moreover, it also supports powerful OCR for digitizing scanned documents, collaboration features, and upcoming Zotero integration. Lateral's use cases extend to literature reviews, dissertation writing, note-taking, collaborative research, educator resource compilation, and journalism. Several pricing plans are available, including free trials, premium versions, and team pricing, along with academic discounts.

Top Features:
  1. Auto-Generated Table: Maintain a clear summary of research findings and references.

  2. AI-Powered Concepts: Utilize AI to find relevant text across all papers based on named concepts.

  3. Super Search: Perform comprehensive searches across all documents and view similar highlights.

  4. Smart PDF Reader: Read and annotate within the browser to find overlooked connections.

  5. Export Your Findings: Export findings from the table view directly to Word or Excel, complete with references.


1) How does Lateral improve research efficiency?

Lateral allows you to speed up your research by up to 10 times through efficient search, save, and organization features.

2) Is there a free version of Lateral available?

You can get started with Lateral for free using the free plan, which includes 500 page credits.

3) Does Lateral offer any academic discounts?

Yes, Lateral offers an automatic 20% Academic Discount on both Premium and Pro plans for eligible users.

4) Can Lateral digitize and search scanned documents?

Lateral supports OCR for digitizing text from scanned documents to make them searchable and highlightable.

5) Does Lateral support collaborative research projects?

Lateral supports collaboration allowing multiple users to work on shared projects and documents.





Research Workflow
Smart PDF Reader
Literature Reviews
Academic Tool
Knowledge Repository

Tech used:



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