Qualifyed.ai vs Contlo.ai

Dive into the comparison of Qualifyed.ai vs Contlo.ai and discover which AI Marketing tool stands out. We examine alternatives, upvotes, features, reviews, pricing, and beyond.



What is Qualifyed.ai?

Qualifyed.ai builds Lookalike Audiences for use on Facebook Ads and other Media buying platforms. This is done by using Machine Learning to train a model off of existing customers across over 3,000 demographic and personal attributed for what the ideal buyer "looks like". Once the model is trained, 96% of adults in the United States are then pre-scored on how closely they fit the model. A custom audience of hashed emails is then created from only the highest scored individuals and this file is delivered to media buying platforms such as Facebook to buy media against.



What is Contlo.ai?

Contlo.ai is an all-in-one AI marketing platform. With a conversational UI, you can manage all your marketing needs through a single chat interface - powered by your brand’s own intelligence.

Here are a few of the many cool things you can do with Contlo AI:

  1. Send Email and SMS campaigns via chat - Our AI assists you in end-to-end campaign management and A/B testing while you sit back and relax.
  2. Create customer segments in plain English** - Adopt a brand new "what you type is what you get" approach to simplify audience management.
  3. Get deep insights with just a prompt - Predict winning creatives, channels, and much more by understanding your audience like never before. No more clunky analytics tools.
  4. Run ads and post on Social Media - Manage everything from designing creatives for multiple platforms to performance marketing in a single chat.
  5. Write SEO-optimized blogs and marketing copies - Create long-form content and post it directly on your CMS.

Qualifyed.ai Upvotes


Contlo.ai Upvotes


Qualifyed.ai Category


Contlo.ai Category


Qualifyed.ai Pricing Type


Contlo.ai Pricing Type


Qualifyed.ai Technologies Used

Contlo.ai Technologies Used

Amazon Web Services

Qualifyed.ai Tags

Lookalike Audiences
Facebook Ads
Media buying
Machine Learning
Personal attributes
Ideal buyer
Custom audience
Hashed emails
Media buying platforms.

Contlo.ai Tags

AI marketing platform
conversational UI
end-to-end campaign management
A/B testing
customer segments
deep insights
winning creatives
social media
SEO-optimized blogs
long-form content

In a comparison between Qualifyed.ai and Contlo.ai, which one comes out on top?

When we compare Qualifyed.ai and Contlo.ai, two exceptional marketing tools powered by artificial intelligence, and place them side by side, several key similarities and differences come to light. Both tools have received the same number of upvotes from aitools.fyi users. Since other aitools.fyi users could decide the winner, the ball is in your court now to cast your vote and help us determine the winner.

Don't agree with the result? Cast your vote and be a part of the decision-making process!

By Rishit