Cyan Arrow

Cyan Arrow

Transform your customer service with CyanArrow, the AI-first help desk solution that integrates AI-powered chatbots and an efficient ticketing system to enhance your support services. CyanArrow is designed to boost the efficiency of your support team, save valuable time by reducing manual tasks, and decrease operational costs associated with customer support. With features such as 24/7 support, precision in delivering instant FAQ responses, and a proactive system to minimize ticket volumes, CyanArrow is the ultimate tool for businesses looking to scale up their customer support and keep customers satisfied. Setting up CyanArrow is straightforward and customizable, catering to your unique business needs. Plus, our pricing plans are flexible, making sure there's a fit for your business regardless of its size. Join over 50 happy customers who have experienced a surge in support efficiency and customer satisfaction with CyanArrow.

Top Features:
  1. 24/7/365 Quality Support: Provide unstoppable customer service anytime, enhancing the reliability of your support.

  2. Instant FAQ Responses: Deliver quick and precise answers with an impressive 95% accuracy rate.

  3. Save Time and Resources: Free up more than 10 hours per week by leveraging AI to handle recurring support tasks.

  4. Boost Efficiency: Equip your team with the power to manage the workload of 10 people seamlessly.

  5. Reduce Ticket Volume: Proactively offer solutions to common issues, resulting in fewer support tickets.


1) What is CyanArrow?

CyanArrow is an AI-powered help desk that includes chatbots and a ticketing system to enhance customer support.

2) Can CyanArrow provide round-the-clock support?

Yes, with CyanArrow, you can ensure 24/7 quality support for your customers.

3) How do I set up CyanArrow's AI chatbot and ticketing system?

You can upload your data for AI training from websites, documents, or create FAQs using CyanArrow's editor, then customize your chatbot and ticketing system, and finally, launch and monitor your system.

4) What pricing plans does CyanArrow offer?

CyanArrow offers two main plans: the Starter plan for basic support at $290 per year and the Growth plan with additional features at $790 per year, with the option to subscribe monthly as well.

5) Who is the founder of CyanArrow?

CyanArrow was founded by Anshul, a tech entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in business sales and support software development.





AI Chatbots
Ticketing System
Customer Service
Support Efficiency
Cost Reduction

Tech used:

Google Tag Manager
Tailwind CSS


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