Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memory Lane is a specialized service designed to assist caregivers in maintaining a close connection with elderly family members, even from a distance. Utilizing a smart photo frame with an easy-to-use touchscreen, Memory Lane allows users to send photos, make video calls, and provide reminders, making it an ideal tool for staying connected with elderly parents.

The service also includes numerous care functions, such as direct assistance and activity prompts, ensuring that seniors receive the support they need without feeling overwhelmed by technology.

The platform emphasizes ease of use and accessibility, ensuring that even those with minimal technical knowledge can operate the device. The smart photo frame can be easily installed and connected to Wi-Fi, allowing for seamless integration into daily routines.

With features aimed at both care and relaxation, Memory Lane helps seniors remain independent for longer while reducing the pressure on informal caregivers. It is a cost-effective solution, priced from just one euro per day, and includes free and unlimited access to the Memory Lane app for all family members.

Top Features:
  1. Easy Story Capture: Speak naturally into your device to record family stories without the need for rehearsal.

  2. Automated Transcription: Your audio recordings are transcribed and summarized for convenience.

  3. Searchable Content: Stories are tagged and indexed, making it easy to search and find specific memories.

  4. Engaging Dialogue: Allows listeners to add comments and ask questions, fostering family interaction.

  5. Accessible Forever: Preserve your family narratives to be cherished for generations to come.


1) What is Memory Lane?

Memory Lane is a storytelling platform that allows users to capture, transcribe, summarize, and preserve their family stories and wisdom in an easily searchable format.

2) How do I use Memory Lane to record stories?

You simply speak naturally into your phone or laptop; Memory Lane takes care of the recording, transcribing, summarizing, and tagging for easy retrieval.

3) How does Memory Lane organize stories?

Recorded stories are transcribed, summarized, and tagged so users can easily search for and access them at any time.

4) Can other family members interact with the recorded stories?

Yes, as a listener, you can add comments, share perspectives, or ask follow-up questions to keep the dialog going.

5) Are the recordings on Memory Lane accessible over the long term?

Memory Lane is designed to preserve stories forever, making them accessible to present and future generations of your family.





Memory Lane
Family Stories
Story Preservation
Audio Recordings
Transcription Service
Storytelling Platform

Tech used:



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