

PennyFlo is an innovative financial management platform designed to streamline cash-flow for SMEs and startups. By leveraging AI, PennyFlo provides an intelligent way to manage your company's cash all in one single workspace. With features like cash forecasting, cost control & budgeting, connected banking, and automated payments, PennyFlo helps businesses organize their finances and automate tasks efficiently.

The ability to connect bank accounts, pay vendors, receive payments, and reconcile seamlessly makes it effortless for companies to stay on top of their financial game. PennyFlo's solution equips businesses with tools for dynamic forecasting, employee budget management, real-time cash positions, and advanced invoice processing with OCR technology, gearing towards an estimated 80% task automation. Businesses can plan ahead with scenario-based forecasts, ease the approval flow for budget overshoots, and manage payment processing - all to maintain control over their finances with greater accuracy and less effort.

Top Features:
  1. Cash Forecasting: Visualize your cash-flow for future scenarios using AI-powered dynamic forecasting.

  2. Cost Control & Budgeting: Track financials and manage spending with features like employee budgeting and custom dashboards.

  3. Connected Banking: Integrate bank accounts, accounting platforms, and payment gateways into a single workspace.

  4. Automated Payments: Simplify the payment process with features like scheduled payments and invoice automation using advanced OCR.

  5. Task Automation: Aim for 80% task automation by organizing and managing cash in one workspace and forecasting for different scenarios.


1) What is PennyFlo?

PennyFlo is a finance suite designed to streamline the management of cash-flow for SMEs and startups using AI technology.

2) Which types of companies can benefit from PennyFlo?

SMEs and startups looking to better manage their finances and automate their cash management processes will find PennyFlo especially beneficial.

3) What are the key features of PennyFlo?

Key features include cash forecasting, cost control & budgeting, connected banking, automated payments, and task automation.

4) How does PennyFlo help in managing cash-flow?

PennyFlo helps by providing tools for dynamic forecasting, tracking finances, integrating banking operations, and automating payments and reconciliations.

5) Can PennyFlo integrate with other financial platforms?

Yes, PennyFlo offers seamless integrations with bank accounts, accounting platforms, and payment gateways in a unified workspace.





Cash-Flow Management
Financial Forecasting
SME Finance
Payment Automation
Budget Control
AI Finance Tools
Banking Integration
Cash Management Software

Tech used:



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