AI or Not

AI or Not

Discover the ultimate solution in detecting AI-generated content with AI or Not, the leading AI detector trusted by over 100,000 users worldwide. Our advanced platform is specially designed to identify AI manipulations in images, audio, and soon, in KYC identity documents and videos. Whether for personal use or for safeguarding your business against fraud and misinformation, AI or Not provides swift and accurate detection of content produced by widely known generative AI models such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, GAN, DALL-E, and Generated Faces. Our service supports multiple formats including jpeg, png, webp, gif, tiff, and bmp, allowing you to easily upload and check content up to 10Mb in size.

AI or Not vigilantly tackles the spread of AI-generated misinformation and deepfakes, protecting online marketplaces, insurance claims, democratic processes, and the integrity of artists' work. With services like Image AI Detector and Audio AI Checker, it’s easier than ever to differentiate between genuine and AI-manipulated content. Moreover, our upcoming features like GenKYC and Video AI Checker will enhance compliance and detection across various domains.

Empower your trust and safety team with AI or Not’s accessibility across mobile, web, and API, and gain peace of mind with detailed detection reports, a centralized AI risk dashboard, and transparent identification processes. Choose the plan that fits your needs, from our Free tier offering basic checks to the customizable Enterprise solution crafted for larger scale or specialized requirements.

Top Features:
  1. Detect Generative AI: Identify AI-generated images and audio for fraud prevention and accuracy.

  2. Extensive Format Support: Upload a variety of image formats up to 10Mb in size for analysis.

  3. Trusted by Thousands: Over 100k clients rely on AI or Not for AI detection services.

  4. Comprehensive AI Defense: Offers an arsenal of tools to protect against AI manipulation and synthetic identities.

  5. Upcoming Features: Expand capabilities with tools like GenKYC for KYC compliance and Video AI Checker for deepfake detection.


1) What is AI or Not?

AI or Not is a platform that detects generative AI manipulations in images, audio, and soon, in KYC documents and videos.

2) Is my data secure when using AI or Not?

Yes, your data is secure when using AI or Not, as we prioritize confidentiality and data protection.

3) How do I contact the AI or Not team for support or inquiries?

You can contact the AI or Not team for support or inquiries through the contact options available on the website.

4) Can I use AI or Not for bulk image analysis?

AI or Not supports bulk image analysis, accommodating the needs of various users.

5) Which image formats does AI or Not support?

AI or Not supports formats such as jpeg, png, webp, gif, tiff, and bmp.





AI Detection
Deepfake Identification
Generative AI
KYC Verification
Content Verification
Audio AI Checker
Image AI Detector


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