AI Query vs Avanty

Compare AI Query vs Avanty and see which AI SQL tool is better when we compare features, reviews, pricing, alternatives, upvotes, etc.

Which one is better? AI Query or Avanty?

When we compare AI Query with Avanty, which are both AI-powered sql tools, There's no clear winner in terms of upvotes, as both tools have received the same number. You can help us determine the winner by casting your vote and tipping the scales in favor of one of the tools.

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AI Query

AI Query

What is AI Query?

AI Query revolutionizes the way you interact with databases by transforming simple English into complex SQL queries within seconds. Leveraging the power of OpenAI GPT and Google PaLM 2 AI models, it ensures accuracy and efficiency for both novices and seasoned developers. Experience error-free SQL generation and comprehend intricate queries with our easy-to-use SQL to English Translator. The intuitive interface allows for quick schema definition, and our straightforward pricing model caters to all types of users with unlimited features and priority support.



What is Avanty?

Unlock the full potential of your Metabase data analytics with Avanty, the AI-powered Chrome extension specifically designed to streamline your SQL query process. Avanty offers a suite of advanced features including automatic SQL query generation from natural language, intelligent editing, and auto-generated chart titles, all aimed at saving you time and effort. With intuitive error debugging, you can say goodbye to the frustration of typos or missing brackets, and with the extension's smart formatting, your queries will be clear and easy to read. Avanty is currently in early access and is the perfect tool for enhancing your workflow, whether you're a data analyst or part of a larger team. Offering compatibility with both self-hosted and cloud-based Metabase instances, Avanty ensures secure handling of metadata without ever accessing sensitive customer data. Get started today with a free trial or take advantage of the early access pricing!

AI Query Upvotes


Avanty Upvotes


AI Query Top Features

  • Unlimited SQL Query Generation: Generate as many SQL queries as you need without restrictions.

  • SQL to English Translator: Understand complex SQL queries with simple English explanations.

  • Database Schema Definition: Easily define your database schema using an intuitive dashboard.

  • Simple Inclusive Pricing: Access all features under straightforward budget-friendly plans.

  • Efficient AI Technology: Depend on state-of-the-art AI from OpenAI GPT and Google PaLM 2 for top-notch performance.

Avanty Top Features

  • Natural Language SQL Generation: Avanty converts your natural language commands into SQL queries.

  • Smart Error Debugging: Eliminate common SQL errors with machine learning-powered debugging tools.

  • Automated Editing and Formatting: Save time with auto-edited and formatted SQL queries for better readability.

  • Intuitive Extensions: Work seamlessly in Chrome with an intuitive extension tailored for Metabase.

  • Security and Compatibility: Use Avanty confidently with secure metadata access and compatibility across Metabase platforms.

AI Query Category


Avanty Category


AI Query Pricing Type


Avanty Pricing Type


AI Query Tags

SQL Query Generation
SQL Translation
Database Schema
AI Models
User-Friendly Interface

Avanty Tags

SQL Query
Data Analysis
Chrome Extension
Query Optimization
By Rishit