

Equals is a state-of-the-art platform that bridges the gap between universal data solutions and intricate data platforms, offering a unique combination of tools for business analytics and reporting. Its dynamic features include live data connections to a variety of sources, providing the most up-to-date information for comprehensive analysis. Users can effortlessly manage Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) reporting, navigate through sales funnel metrics, and pull reports from SQL databases with ease.

The platform boasts Business Intelligence (BI)-grade dashboards, enhancing visualization and comprehension of complex data for more informed decision-making. Moreover, Equals incorporates a fully featured spreadsheet for data manipulation, ensuring versatility in data analysis tasks. With these powerful capabilities, Equals is an essential tool for businesses looking to optimize their data-driven strategies.

Top Features:
  1. Report with Dashboards: Visualize data through BI-grade dashboards for comprehensive insights.

  2. Query with Explorer: Dive deep into data with powerful and user-friendly querying tools.

  3. Analyze with Spreadsheets: Leverage the full functionality of spreadsheets for versatile data analysis.

  4. Create with AI Assist: Utilize AI-powered assistance to enhance data handling and report generation.

  5. Live Data Connections: Integrate with live data sources for real-time reporting and analysis.


1) What features does Equals provide?

Equals offers BI-grade dashboards, Explorer for querying, Spreadsheets for analysis, AI Assist for creating reports, and live data connections.

2) What types of reporting can I do with Equals?

You can use Equals for ARR reporting, sales funnel reporting, and SQL database reporting.

3) Can Equals connect to live data sources?

Yes, Equals connects to live data sources enabling real-time data analysis and reporting.

4) Where can I find more information or resources on how to use Equals?

To learn more about Equals and its features, you can visit our resources section where you'll find a blog, help docs, and The Ultimate Guide to ARR.

5) How do BI-grade dashboards in Equals help in data analysis?

BI-grade dashboards in Equals allow for powerful visualizations, making complex data easier to understand and interpret.





Business Intelligence
Data Analysis
Live Data Connection

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