

Gorgias is a state-of-the-art AI Customer Experience Platform tailored for ecommerce businesses, designed to enhance customer interactions and streamline support processes. Specifically created to address the unique challenges of online stores, Gorgias has garnered the trust of over 15,000 merchants worldwide.

The platform offers an all-in-one support inbox, enabling businesses to centralize customer communications across various channels like email, social media, live chat, voice, and SMS into a single, organized space. With powerful automation features, Gorgias handles repetitive tasks efficiently, enabling support teams to focus on complex issues and sales.

Moreover, its integration with over 100 ecommerce tools and applications allows for seamless operations and data sharing. By using AI to personalize support and leverage customer data for meaningful conversations, Gorgias ensures faster resolution times, improved customer satisfaction, and a significant reduction in support costs, leading to increased repeat purchases and business growth.

Top Features:
  1. Centralized Customer Interactions: Manage all customer communication channels in one place to end tab-shuffling and boost efficiency.

  2. AI-Powered Automation: Utilize AI to automate 60% of customer support, focus on complex tickets, and drive sales.

  3. Enhanced Ecommerce Integrations: Easily connect with Shopify and 100+ other ecommerce tools for updates and shared customer data.

  4. Data-Driven Personalization: Personalize every customer interaction using rich customer data for accurate and fast responses.

  5. Conversion Optimization: Offer seamless customer shopping experiences, with onsite campaigns that can lift conversions by 15%.


1) What is Gorgias?

Gorgias is an AI Customer Experience Platform designed specifically for ecommerce stores, offering centralized communication, automation, and integration features to enhance customer support.

2) How does Gorgias help ecommerce businesses?

Gorgias helps by providing an all-in-one support inbox to manage communications, automating repetitive tasks with AI, and integrating with over 100 ecommerce tools to streamline operations.

3) Can Gorgias integrate with other ecommerce tools?

Yes, Gorgias offers integration with over 100 ecommerce tools, including Shopify, to centralize operations and share customer data.

4) What kind of support can Gorgias automate?

Gorgias can automate 60% of customer support, including basic, repetitive tickets, allowing support teams to concentrate on VIPs, escalations, and driving sales.

5) What are the benefits of using Gorgias?

Benefits include increased team efficiency, reduced resolution time, personalized customer interactions, reduction in support costs, and revenue growth through improved customer experiences.





AI Customer Experience
Customer Support Automation
Omnichannel Support Integration

Tech used:



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