Lazycom App

Lazycom App

The Lazycom App is your go-to solution for growing your e-commerce business effortlessly. With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, Lazycom is perfect for those with little to no technical know-how, allowing you to build high-converting landing pages and sales funnels in mere minutes. Its robust CRM system helps you understand your customers better, providing insights into their preferences and behaviors, which enables more personalized marketing strategies and potentially increased sales.

Plus, with Lazycom's built-in analytics, you can make data-driven decisions on the fly. The platform's advanced features also include automated upsells and cross-sells, fast loading pages, and A.I. optimization for your sales pages. Get started today in just three simple steps and take advantage of customizable conversion-optimized templates, automated follow-up communication, and secure hosting—all provided by Lazycom to streamline and supercharge your online business.

Top Features:
  1. Intuitive and User-Friendly: Build landing pages with ease, no tech expertise required.

  2. Conversion-Optimized Templates: Professionally-designed templates to kickstart your sales.

  3. Robust CRM: Track customer behavior for personalized campaigns and increased retention.

  4. Data-Driven Analytics: Optimize your marketing efforts with actionable insights.

  5. Automated Revenue Boosters: Set up upsells and cross-sells to maximize each customer's value.


1) Do I need to sign up for hosting to use Lazycom?

NO! Lazycom provides you with the hosting, no third-party service needed.

2) Will Lazycom handle my email sending?

Lazycom has a built-in SMS and email follow-up engine, with integrations for major autoresponders in the premium plan.

3) Do I need to install anything to use Lazycom?

No, everything you need is included within the Lazycom platform.

4) How secure are my funnels and website with Lazycom?

Absolutely secure. We prioritize security so you never have to worry about it.

5) Can I setup coupons for my customers with Lazycom?

Yes, you can create coupons and set up rewards for customer retention under the commerce section





Landing Pages
Sales Funnels
A.I. Optimization

Tech used:



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