Supa Doc

Supa Doc

Supa Doc is an advanced AI-powered document generation tool that leverages the latest in language model technology. With GPT-4 at its core for paid customers, Supa Doc specializes in creating a variety of documents including Marketing Plans, Software Systems, Function Designs, Test Cases, and Business Plans.

This tool is designed for professionals, such as Developers, Product Managers, Marketing Managers, Entrepreneurs, and Software Testers, who aim to save time and boost efficiency. It offers a user-friendly interface with multi-language support, including English and Chinese, and is equipped with a native AI engine and low-code agility for seamless operation. Supa Doc promises to deliver significantly improved document quality over its predecessor, GPT-3.5, which is used for trial versions. The platform is backed by LCDP, assuring continual innovation and no logical limitations.

Top Features:
  1. Latest AI Technology: Uses GPT-4 for high-quality document creation.

  2. Wide Range of Documents: Capable of generating Marketing Plans, Business Plans, and more.

  3. Efficient and Time-saving: Streamlined process to help professionals save time.

  4. Multi-language Support: Provides services in both English and Chinese.

  5. User-Friendly Interface: Low-code platform with a simple and intuitive interface.


1) What is Supa Doc?

Supa Doc is a GPT-4 powered platform that generates various professional documents such as Software System Specs, Marketing Plans, Business Plans, etc.

2) Which AI models does Supa Doc use?

GPT-4 is used for paid customers, while GPT-3.5 serves for trial purposes.

3) How does pricing work on Supa Doc?

You can start with a free trial and later secure your subscription at today's rate to enjoy all upcoming features for one year without additional cost.

4) What languages does Supa Doc support?

Supa Doc supports the generation of documents in English and Chinese languages.

5) Will there be new features added to Supa Doc?

Yes, upcoming features include AI Translation, UAT Test Case Generation, and more, ensuring continuous platform enhancement.




AI Document Generation
Software Documentation
Marketing Plan
Business Plan
Test Cases

Tech used:



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