

AI-chatbot that automatically corrects all mistakes, rephrases and translates texts. And it all – in more than 50 languages!

FixMeBot is now available on Telegram. New platforms will also be available very soon!

Top Features:
  1. Enhance the quality of your writing and translations

  2. No more manually proofreading and revising texts

  3. Learn from AI-generated suggestions and translations

  4. Check messages before sending directly in chats

  5. No additional software required, simply use it within your Telegram. Anytime and anywhere


1) How accurate is the bot's correction, rephrase, and translation capability?

FixMeBot utilizes advanced AI algorithms to provide accurate text correction, rephrase, and translation. While it is highly reliable, it is important to review the suggestions and make necessary revisions based on your specific context or style requirements.

2) Can the bot handle complex technical or specialized content?

Absolutely! FixMeBot is designed to cater to both personal and professional users. Whether you're writing emails, reports, academic papers, or other professional documents, FixMeBot can assist you in improving your writing and ensuring accuracy.

3) What is counted as characters?

Only input text is counted as characters! Please, refer to the details on the number of characters included in your chosen subscription plan.

4) Is there a character or word limit for the texts I can submit to FixMeBot?

While FixMeBot can handle texts of various lengths, there are certain limits on the Telegram side: the maximum length of a Telegram message is 4096 characters.

5) Is my data secure and protected when using FixMeBot?

Yes, we prioritize the security and privacy of your data. FixMeBot follows industry-standard encryption protocols and adheres to strict data protection measures. We do not store any user personal information beyond the duration necessary to provide the service.





AI Paraphraser
AI Grammar
Grammar checker
Writing assistant
AI Translator
Grammar Bot
AI Writing Helper
Language Assistant

Tech used:


Overall Rating:

5.0 🏆


Give your opinion on FixMeBot :-

Overall rating

Great chatbot that helps with communication and writing!
I've been using Fixmebot for a long time, it's a very useful application. Moving to integration with AI is just a whole new level! Thanks to the developers!
Simple and incredibly convenient bot that is always at hand. Corrects, translates, even thinks for me! Super.
Incredibly convenient assistant. Must-have for everyone!

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By Rishit