Hubit plan

Hubit plan

Hubit Plan is an innovative day planner and task management service designed to enhance productivity without causing stress or overload. This intelligent platform goes beyond conventional task trackers by incorporating quick task creation via a Telegram bot and leveraging an AI assistant to streamline your workflow.

With Hubit Plan, managing tasks becomes smooth and efficient, allowing you to focus on the present and maintain clarity throughout your day. The service advocates for quick planning for the immediate future, namely the next two days, to help avoid the anxiety of missed deadlines. Rather than rigid scheduling, Hubit Plan encourages planning time intervals for tasks, providing flexibility in task management.

The AI assistant's role is critical, acting not merely as an in-app feature but as a collaborative partner in solving problems and offering valuable information. If you're postponing a task, the AI can break it down into smaller, more approachable steps, kick-starting your progress.

Moreover, setting and tracking tasks is made elementary with Hubit Plan's Telegram Bot. Any message sent to the bot is transformed into a task on your to-do list. Users can swiftly add tasks in the familiar environment of their preferred messenger and view their daily plan just as effortlessly, all while having the option to use voice messages to set their tasks.

For any inquiries or support, the friendly Hubit team is readily approachable via chat, ensuring users get the assistance they need.

Top Features:
  1. Quick Task Creation: Utilize a Telegram bot for fast task addition on the go.

  2. AI Workload Optimization: Collaborate with an AI assistant to streamline your workflow.

  3. Efficient Task Management: Manage your tasks easily with an intuitive system.

  4. Flexible Planning: Plan task intervals for the next 2 days, avoiding strict deadlines.

  5. Voice Command Integration: Add tasks through voice messages in your messenger.


1) What is Hubit Plan?

Hubit Plan is a day planner and task management service that incorporates AI to optimize your workflow. It allows for quick task creation through a Telegram bot.

2) Can I add tasks to Hubit Plan via voice messages?

Yes, you can quickly set tasks using voice messages through the messenger service.

3) How do I add my first task in Hubit Plan?

To add your first task, simply send any text to the Hubit Plan Telegram bot, and it will be added to your to-do list.

4) How does the AI assistant in Hubit Plan help me with tasks?

The AI assistant in Hubit Plan helps by offering problem-solving strategies and breaking down tasks to reduce complexity and facilitate starting.

5) What should I do if I have questions about Hubit Plan?

For any questions or support, you can chat with the friendly Hubit team through the contact options available on the website.




Task Management
AI Assistant
Day Planner
Telegram Bot

Tech used:



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