KELLS is an innovative AI-powered platform designed to be your go-to dental health companion. It focuses on providing a comprehensive virtual care and benefits platform for oral health, making dental care more engaging and accessible. With services like AI Dental Scan, Dental Advisor, Treatment Verification, and Onsite Dental Scan, KELLS simplifies the process of maintaining and improving your oral wellness.

The KELLS technology is easy to use; you can quickly perform dental checkups from home by snapping photos with your smartphone. Our proprietary AI technology analyzes the images and provides detailed evaluations and personalized care recommendations. Additionally, the platform connects you with licensed dentists for virtual consultations, ensuring timely dental advice and reducing the risks of delayed treatments.

KELLS also offers services that help eliminate uncertainties regarding dental treatment plans by verifying the necessity of proposed treatments. This transparency ensures that you don't commit to unnecessary dental work, ultimately saving you money. Furthermore, KELLS enhances your existing dental insurance by providing comprehensive care that may otherwise be overlooked, extending the value of your insurance benefits.

With features like multi-language support and a national network of dentists available 24/7, KELLS addresses dental emergencies immediately, offering support to those who have dental anxiety or need quick expert advice. The user testimonials highlight the efficiency and convenience of using the KELLS app, with users experiencing significant savings on dental procedures and discovering dental issues they were previously unaware of.

Top Features:
  1. AI Dental Scan: Perform a quick dental checkup at home using just your smartphone and receive a detailed AI-analyzed evaluation.

  2. Dental Advisor: Get real-time expert dental advice, with the benefits of navigation and multi-language support.

  3. Treatment Verification: Verify the necessity of proposed dental treatments with an unbiased AI evaluation.

  4. Online Dentist Consultation: Access to a national network of licensed dentists for virtual appointments, available 24/7.

  5. Insurance Enhancement: KELLS supplements your existing insurance policy to provide more comprehensive dental care coverage.


1) What is KELLS?

KELLS is an AI-powered personal dental companion that offers virtual services for better oral health management.

2) What services does KELLS provide?

Services include AI Dental Scan, Dental Advisor, Treatment Verification, and Onsite Dental Scan.

3) How does the AI Dental Scan work?

You can take a quick dental checkup from home by snapping photos with your smartphone.

4) How does KELLS help with treatment verification?

KELLS verifies your treatment plans using AI, providing clarity and confidence in the proposed dental treatments.

5) How does KELLS enhance dental insurance?

The app supplements your existing insurance, aiming to unlock higher values and provide more comprehensive care.





AI Dental Health
Virtual Dental Care
Oral Health Technology
Dental Treatment Verification
Online Dentist Consultation

Tech used:



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