Prezentacja AI

Prezentacja AI

AI Presentation is a powerful AI-driven tool that helps you create stunning presentations in just minutes. Start by simply entering your desired topic, and the platform generates a beautiful, pre-designed presentation for you. Soon, you'll be able to enhance your presentations by adding data sources like websites, YouTube links, and PDFs—a feature currently under development.

This tool can transform a task that usually takes up to 16 hours into just 2 minutes, saving you time and increasing productivity. The generated presentations are exportable to popular formats like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and PDF, making it easy to share and customize.

Currently available in Polish, with an English version on the way, AI Presentation is perfect for users who want a fast, efficient way to create presentations. Stay tuned for updates or try the Polish version to experience the tool’s capabilities!

Top Features:
  1. Instant Presentation Creation: Generate a beautiful presentation in just minutes by entering your topic.

  2. Data Source Integration (Coming Soon): Enhance your presentation by adding data sources such as websites, YouTube links, or PDFs.

  3. Multilingual Support: Currently available in Polish, with an English version on its way.

  4. Multiple Export Options: Export your finished presentation to PowerPoint, Google Slides, and PDF formats.

  5. Efficiency: Reduce the time required to create a presentation from 16 hours to just 2 minutes.





Online Presentation Generator
Artificial Intelligence
Presentation Tool
Time-Saving Presentation

Tech used:



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