Squid & Fish Digitals

Squid & Fish Digitals

Squid & Fish Digitals offers an array of digital products tailored for the tech-savvy individual. With a focus on education and personal development, the website provides a range of Notion and Typebot templates designed to help users streamline their learning and planning processes.

Key products include Machine Learning study plans, Frontend Development guides for beginners, study strategies for achieving straight A's in college, and AI-based self-hostable tools that serve various purposes, from storytelling for kids to enhancing debate skills. Each product is crafted to be user-friendly, requiring minimal setup, and aims to boost productivity and learning efficiency.

Top Features:
  1. User-Friendly: Designed for easy use with minimal setup required.

  2. Educational Resources: Study plans and learning guides to streamline the learning process.

  3. AI-Integrated: Self-hostable AI tools for various personal and educational uses.

  4. Personal Development: Products that promote learning efficiency and personal growth.

  5. Tech-Savvy Templates: Notion and Typebot templates catering to the tech-savory audience.


1) What does Squid & Fish Digitals offer?

Squid & Fish Digitals offers digital products such as AI-based self-hostable tools, learning guides, and Notion and Typebot templates.

2) Does Squid & Fish Digitals offer self-hostable AI tools?

Yes, Squid & Fish Digitals offers self-hostable AI tools like WonderTales for bedtime stories and DebatoMate for debate practice.

3) Are the products from Squid & Fish Digitals suited for personal development?

Products at Squid & Fish Digitals cater to personal development with tools for learning, study planning, and personal growth.

4) Who is the target audience for Squid & Fish Digitals?

The target audience for Squid & Fish Digitals is tech-savvy individuals who seek to harness technology for education and personal growth.

5) Where can I find the digital products offered by Squid & Fish Digitals?

You can find digital products on their website, with a selection that includes AI tools, Notion and Typebot templates, and educational materials.





AI Chatbot
Frontend Development
Study Plan
Personal Growth
Self-Hosted Tools

Tech used:



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