

GoWhisper is a privacy-centric desktop application that brings the convenience of local audio transcription to users across various platforms, including macOS, Windows, and soon Linux. Built with a focus on security and user privacy, GoWhisper enables users to transcribe audio files without the need for a subscription.

This one-time purchase software supports an extensive array of languages and file formats and offers multiple export options tailored to diverse needs. Key features such as its intuitive editing tools, multilingual support, and a lifetime deal with no monthly fees make GoWhisper an ideal tool for professionals like researchers, podcasters, journalists, and legal experts who require a reliable transcription solution.

Top Features:
  1. Unlimited Transcription: Perform unlimited transcriptions directly on your local machine without worrying about monthly fees.

  2. Cross-Platform Support: GoWhisper is available for macOS and Windows users, with Linux support on the roadmap.

  3. Multilingual Support: The app supports up to 99 languages, empowering users to transcribe audio in a wide variety of languages.

  4. Variety of Export Formats: Flexible export options, including srt, txt, vtt, and csv formats to suit different documentation needs.

  5. Privacy-First Approach: With local transcription, your data stays on your computer, ensuring your privacy is maintained.


1) Which platforms does GoWhisper support?

GoWhisper currently supports macOS and Windows. Support for Linux will be added in the near future.

2) How does GoWhisper handle user data privacy?

Your data remains on your local machine in local mode, ensuring complete privacy. In API mode, your data is processed by the OpenAI API.

3) Is there a refund policy for GoWhisper?

Yes, there is a refund policy. You can request a free refund within 15 days of purchase.

4) What audio file formats are supported by GoWhisper?

GoWhisper supports a broad range of file formats such as mp3, m4a, wav, and mov.

5) What are the upcoming features for GoWhisper?

The development team is working on stabilizing the application. Features like AI summarization and Question-Answering with transcription are planned for future updates.




Audio Transcription
Local Transcription
Desktop Application

Tech used:

Google Analytics


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