Discover HARVY, the cutting-edge AI automation tool that revolutionizes the way heavy vehicle companies manage compliance and driver work diary reporting. HARVY's AI-driven platform offers a practical solution to the time-consuming process of manual data entry and breach detection. Embrace consistent adherence to NHVR (National Heavy Vehicle Regulator) regulations with Harvy's automated work diary scanning, which promptly alerts you to any compliance breaches such as Standard (Std), Basic Fatigue Management (BFM), Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM), and minor infractions.

Harvy's system boasts a user-friendly interface and grants easy access to historical work diary sheets, eliminating the need for cumbersome physical storage. Optimize your transport operations with Harvy's built-in insights and analytics tools that support ongoing continuous improvement efforts. Streamline your compliance reporting and proactive fatigue management, ensuring the safety and well-being of your drivers. Simplicity is at the heart of the setup and onboarding process, enabling quick integration into your business operations.

With Harvy, you not only comply with authorities but also foster a culture of safety and efficiency within your team.

Top Features:
  1. Automated Work Diary Scanning: Scans yellow Work Diary sheets to reduce manual data entry.

  2. Compliance Alerts: Identifies Std, BFM, AFM, and minor breaches to maintain NHVR compliance.

  3. Easy Access to Historical Data: Provides online access to Work Diary sheets for up to 3 years.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies NHVR work diary data entry and logbook compliance for all staff.

  5. Actionable Insights: Built-in tools for monitoring efficiency gains and promoting continuous improvement.


1) Why's it called Harvy?

Harvy stands for Heavy vehicle Assisted Reporting and Verification. It's a nickname to easily refer to the tool.

2) Why did you build Harvy?

Harvy was built to simplify the process of managing work diaries and ensuring compliance within the heavy vehicle industry.

3) When can our team use it?

Your team can use Harvy immediately after a smooth setup and training process, tailored to meet your business needs.

4) How does Harvy help with heavy vehicle compliance?

Harvy automates the process of entering work diary data and detecting breaches, streamlining compliance with NHVR rules.

5) Can Harvy really save me time and money?

Yes, Harvy can save you time and money by automating tasks that would otherwise be manual, thereby allowing your team to focus on other important aspects of your business.





Heavy Vehicle Compliance
AI Automation
Work Diary
Breach Detection
Fatigue Management
Compliance Reporting
Data Analysis
Operational Efficiency
Transport Safety

Tech used:

Framer Sites


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