

Malloy is a dynamic service that specializes in elevating businesses' lead generation through the art of content repurposing. Recognizing the challenges many companies face in converting leads using video content, Malloy offers a solution by transforming existing content into 30-50 short, engaging videos.

These shorts are optimized for maximum engagement and watch time, subsequently multiplying a business's reach, views, and potential leads. Malloy's strategy includes distribution across popular short-form video platforms such as YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok, maximizing exposure across the digital landscape.

The company also offers a comprehensive package that encompasses content distribution, data analytics, and lead generation strategies. With no setup fees and a cancel-anytime policy, Malloy positions itself as the go-to choice for businesses aiming to enhance their video strategy and unlock the monetisation potential of their audience.

Top Features:
  1. Engagement-Driven Content: Production of 30-50 short videos per month for maximal engagement and watch time.

  2. Broad Distribution: Daily publishing of viral clips across major media platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram, and TikTok.

  3. Advanced Data Analytics: Comprehensive omni-channel analytics services to review, understand, and optimize content strategy.

  4. Efficient Lead Generation: Strategies to maximize marketing efforts and monetize audience potential effectively.

  5. AI-Driven Editing: Use of AI to identify golden moments in footage and craft clips with viral editing techniques.


1) What does Malloy do for lead generation?

Malloy assists in the repurposing of existing video content into 30-50 shorts designed to enhance engagement and lead conversion.

2) Where does Malloy distribute the repurposed content?

Shorts are distributed on multiple platforms, including YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok.

3) What services does Malloy offer?

The services offered include Content Repurposing, Content Distribution, Data Analytics, and Lead Generation Strategy.

4) Does Malloy use AI technology for editing videos?

Yes, Malloy uses AI to discover key moments in content and applies viral editing techniques to maximize the impact of each clip.

5) How can businesses learn more about Malloy's services?

Businesses can book a call for a free consultation to learn more about Malloy's program and how it can improve their video marketing strategy.





Lead Generation
Content Repurposing
Video Content
Business Growth

Tech used:



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