

Ponyrun is a revolutionary tool designed to revolutionize prospecting with the aid of Artificial Intelligence. It's tailored to vastly improve the efficiency of prospecting by automating the review, prioritization, and outreach personalization processes, making it possible to prospect at a 10x faster rate.

With its intuitive features, Ponyrun is perfect for teams targeting enterprise and technical buyers, effectively minimizing the time spent on platforms like LinkedIn and reducing the chances of engaging poor prospects. As Ponyrun is gearing up for its launch, early access is now available for those eager to incorporate this advanced technology into their sales strategy and gain an edge in the market.

Top Features:
  1. Automated Prospecting: Utilize AI to streamline the prospecting process, making it more efficient and effective.

  2. Personalization at Scale: Customize outreach efforts with automation to ensure relevant and targeted communication.

  3. Focus on Quality Prospects: With AI, quickly identify and prioritize high-quality research to focus on prospects that matter.

  4. Enterprise and Technical Buyer Targeting: Tailored to assist teams in breaking into highly specialized markets.

  5. Time-Saving: Minimize time spent on manual research and filtering out undesirable prospects.





Enterprise Buyers
Technical Buyers
Outreach Personalization

Tech used:



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