

Swif is an AI-powered platform designed to revolutionize how businesses manage and secure their devices. It offers a convenient and intelligent solution to unify endpoint management and enforce compliance automatically. Swif integrates easily with essential tools and provides a suite of features, including a Remote Desktop, AI Agent, and Smart Group functionalities.

With Swif, you can set up device security policies quickly and without needing an IT background, ensuring that your business stays ahead of security threats and compliance needs.

Top Features:
  1. Device Security: Set up a robust security policy for company devices quickly and intuitively.

  2. Access Management: Control and notify access arrangements seamlessly through integrations with Slack and Zoom.

  3. AI Agent: Utilize AI to manage devices smartly, optimizing for security and compliance.

  4. Live Terminal & Chrome Extension: Introduce innovations like Swif's Live Terminal and Chrome Extension for swift management across platforms.

  5. Compliance for Vanta & Drata: Keep track of security compliance across all devices, simplifying compliance reporting and automation.


1) What is Swif?

Swif is an AI-powered platform that provides unified device management and compliance automation for businesses.

2) What features does Swif offer?

Swif offers a Remote Desktop feature, AI Agent, Smart Group configurations, access management, and compliance tracking for Vanta & Drata.

3) How can I try Swif?

You can try Swif for free by signing up on their website, and you may also request a demo.

4) What is Swif built for?

Swif is built for end-to-end device security and management, highlighting features like AI-powered Unified Endpoint Management, compliance automation, and secure device policies.

5) What award did Swif win at SXSW 2024?

Swif won the best award for Enterprise & Smart Data at SXSW 2024.





Unified Device Management
Compliance Automation
Remote Desktop
AI Agent
Smart Groups

Tech used:

Google Analytics


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