

QRev Dynamic Salesforce 2.0 is a next-generation tool designed to transform the way outbound sales teams operate. With the power of AI agents, sales organizations can infinitely scale their operations while saving time and resources. Open-source and easily accessible on GitHub, QRev leverages advanced artificial intelligence to reduce manual and repetitive tasks, enabling sales personnel to concentrate on closing deals.

It provides features such as 24/7 prospect research based on your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), personalized campaign sequences, and auto-reply email drafting, all aimed at increasing sales efficiency and effectiveness. QRev is like a contemporary version of Salesforce, reimagined with AI at its core for the modern sales landscape.

Top Features:
  1. Research Prospects: Qai can research prospects around the clock based on your specific criteria.

  2. Scale Outreach: Qai aids in scaling your outreach efforts to engage more potential leads.

  3. Competitive Research: Qai is skilled in competitive research to provide you with an edge in the market.

  4. Reply to Emails: Qai can draft responses to emails, saving you time and helping you respond quickly.

  5. CRM Capabilities: Qai offers modern and flexible CRM capabilities for managing relationships with prospects.


1) What is QRev Dynamic Salesforce 2.0?

QRev Dynamic Salesforce 2.0 is an open-source tool that uses AI agents to automate and scale outbound sales processes.

2) How does QRev benefit salespeople?

Salespeople can focus on closing more deals as Qai handles mundane tasks like prospect research, scaling outreach, competitive research, and replying to emails.

3) Can I use my own dataset with QRev?

You can either bring your own dataset or access leads from QRev's extensive database.

4) Can QRev personalize email campaigns for individual prospects?

Qai can draft personalized email sequences for each prospect, based on their experience and skill.

5) Does QRev offer CRM functionalities?

Yes, Qai provides modern CRM capabilities to help you manage and nurture your qualified relationships effectively.





Open Source
AI Agents
Outbound Sales
Salesforce 2.0
Sales Automation

Tech used:

Tailwind CSS


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