

Discover the power of Artificial Intelligence at SplitSong.com as it transforms the way you interact with music. Crafted by the innovative @markdoppler_, SplitSong.com is your ultimate destination for isolating instrument tracks from any song. Here's a platform where you can effortlessly upload your favorite tunes or directly pick from YouTube and split them into separate components, including drums, instrumental, bass, and voice tracks.

Whether you're a music producer, a DJ, or just a passionate music enthusiast, SplitSong.com gives you the tools to dissect and download individual elements of a song, enabling creative freedom and detailed music analysis. Thanks to its user-friendly interface and cutting-edge AI technology, song separation is no longer a professional studio-exclusive privilege—it's accessible to everyone with an internet connection.

Top Features:
  1. AI-Powered Music Separation: Utilizes advanced algorithms to split songs into individual tracks.

  2. Easy Uploading: Offers the ability to upload songs from your device or straight from YouTube.

  3. Versatile Track Downloads: Allows users to download the separated tracks, including drums, bass, instrumental, and voice.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be easy to navigate for all user levels.

  5. Creator Endorsement: Developed by @markdoppler_, ensuring credibility and expert application of AI in music.




Artificial Intelligence
Music Separation
Audio Processing
AI Music Tool
Track Isolation

Tech used:

Tailwind CSS


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