

Nara is an AI-powered chatbot designed to handle the complexities of customer engagement for online stores. It is capable of providing instant responses and 24/7 support across a multitude of chat channels, easing the workload on customer support teams by automating actions such as order tracking, cancellations, and refunds. With Nara, businesses can offer a human-like support experience, bringing the personal touch of a sales associate to digital storefronts. Implementing Nara is a straightforward process; businesses simply need to share their knowledge with the AI, which then learns and integrates effortlessly into existing chat systems. Nara enhances sales and customer satisfaction rates by answering support queries instantly, boosting monthly revenue, and reaching more potential clients. With various pricing tiers, including custom plans tailored to specific business requirements, Nara offers flexibility and scalability.

Top Features:
  1. Instant AI Support: Answers 70% of support questions immediately offering 24/7 customer assistance.

  2. Revenue Growth: Demonstrated capability to increase monthly revenue by 22% with automated sales engagement.

  3. Seamless Integration: Nara integrates into all chat channels like CRMs Instagram DMs and email with one-click installation.

  4. Omnichannel Experience: Offers human-level support across all digital channels maintaining consistency in customer interactions.

  5. Customizable Plans: Flexible tiered pricing with custom plans that cater to unique business needs.


1) How does Nara count 'questions answered,' and what does it mean for usage?

Nara counts each interaction it handles as a 'question answered,' which contributes to the monthly quota associated with the chosen pricing plan.

2) How quickly can I set up Nara on my platforms?

Nara is designed for quick integration across multiple platforms with one-click installation, though the exact setup time may vary based on specific business requirements.

3) What is Nara, and how does it enhance customer engagement?

Nara is an AI-powered chatbot that improves customer engagement by answering support queries instantly, providing seamless integration into existing chat channels, and enhancing the overall customer service experience.

4) Can I customize Nara to suit my specific needs and preferences?

Yes, Nara offers customizable plans to ensure the chatbot fits your specific business needs and preferences.




Customer Engagement
Instant Responses
Omnichannel Support
24/7 Support
Sales Automation
Business Integration


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